
Junior High Baseball:

7th and 8th-grade baseball tryouts will be held at the Rochester Community Park, Bell Field, on Monday, August 2, and Tuesday, August 3 from 4:30-6:30. All student-athletes interested in trying out for the team must have a current physical on file with the school and be registered for the 2021 baseball season on Rschool. 

Students should have their own glove, bat, batting helmet, hand sanitizer, and water bottles for practice. Parents dropping off or picking up participants should wait at designated drop-off/pick-up areas and should arrive during the designated time window. 

Practices will be held from 4:30-6:30, August 4-6, and from 9-11 on August 7. The current game schedule can be found on the Rochester CUSD 3A web page under the Athletics tab.

Please see the directions for Rschool registration. If you have any questions, please contact me at